INETEC – Institut za nuklearnu tehnologiju d.o.o. je jedna od vodećih svjetskih tvrtki, s gotovo 30 godina iskustva, za ispitivanje integriteta i sigurnosti u energetskim i industrijskim postrojenjima, prvenstveno u nuklearnim postrojenjima.

Središte tvrtke je smješteno u Lučkom (Zagreb), gdje se nalazi i Odjel za istraživanje i razvoj, koji zapošljava veliki broj inženjera, magistara i doktora znanosti, koji rade na uzbudljivim i dinamičnim istraživačkim i razvojnim projektima u području robotike, elektronike, senzorike i softvera.

INETEC također ima intenzivnu suradnju sa hrvatskim sveučilištima kroz istraživačke projekte, studentske prakse te izradu završnih i diplomskih radova. I za 2018. pripremljeno je nekoliko zanimljivih tema za diplomske radove, a u ovoj objavi predstavljamo prvi dio:

Augmented reality aided manual inspection of pipeline (electronics, software)

Inspection of pipelines can be cumbersome because the areas have difficult access, it can be difficult to manipulate the instruments, the operator needs several displays (camera, inspection instrument screen, phone contact with supervisor, notebook for report preparation). All information could be centralized on the same device: augmented reality goggles. It will free the hands of the operator to allow him to focus on inspection, and through the goggles he can have visual aid overlaying the inspected part to help him locate reference points and defects. Integrated front facing camera can help taking pictures and microphone and headphones allows for direct contact with work supervisor.


Electronic design of low-frequency ultrasonic pulser for civil engineering applications (electronics design)

Concrete is attenuative and has a coarse microstructure, therefore low-frequency ultrasonic NDT are required to inspect concrete structures. INETEC developed electronics for high frequency applications, this electronics would have to be adapted for low-frequency probes and applications for use in civil engineering.


Heat dissipation modelling and optimization in instrument housings with no air inlet (fluid dynamics, thermodynamics)

The electronics in instruments for non-destructive examination generates a lot of heat that is usually extracted using fan convection and an air inlet. Unfortunately in many applications it is not possible to have an air inlet: work in explosive areas, contaminated areas, high humidity environment, and the instrument has to be enclosed. Air convection is not possible, and exploring other cooling strategies is necessary. Designing prototypes and testing them can be expensive and lead to conservative approaches. Numerical modelling of the heat transfer from electronics to air and to other parts of the housing would ease the design and find optimal solution.

Teme su opisane na engleskom jeziku jer će na njima suvoditelj biti Pierre-Adrien Itty, član INETEC-ova Odjela za istraživanje i razvoj koji nam se nedavno pridružio iz Francuske, a nakon doktorata na UC Berkeley u Sjedinjenim Državama.

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